Annual Parish Council Meeting

    The most recent Minutes are belo

The most recent minutes are below. For last year's and previous year's minutes please use the link at the foot of the page or refer to the annual collection of minutes in the collected pdf files section on the Parish Council webpage. Please note that minutes are published as DRAFT minutes and will be approved at the next meeting of the parish council. The minutes for an extraordinary meeting will also be posted to this page. Such a meeting could be held prior to an ordinary meeting or after such a meeting.

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Southwick Parish Council


held on

 Tuesday 21st May 2019 7.30PM.

The Village Hall, Southwick Wiltshire



     Declaration of interests.

Councillors to declare any interest in accordance with the Parish Councils Code of Practice of Conduct.

No declarations were made.

     Apologies Cllr. B. Pitney. Cllr. G. Clayton

     Minutes of the last Annual Meeting held on were approved.

     Councillor D Jackson took the chair.

Election of the Chairman 2019/2020

     Cllr.K Noble was appointed with one abstention

     Cllr.K Noble took the chair and conducted the meeting.

Election of the Vice Chairman

     Cllr. D. Jackson was unanimously appointed

     Appointment of Representatives

     Playing field Management Committee/ Cllr.E.Pomeroy

     Village Hall Committee/Cllr. K. Noble

     Trowbridge Area Board/CATG Cllr. S. Carey

     Delegation of Specific Responsibilities

     Neighbourhood Planning Cllr.J.Eaton

     Police Liaison Cllr. K. Noble

     Emergency Planning unit Cllr. K. Noble

     Neighbourhood Watch     Mr. J. Jilbert

     Webmaster The clerk with outside contractor


 The council noted the following existing arrangements/contracts

     Playing Field Maintenace

     Greenacres and Jackson and Sons

     Blind House Site Mr. J. Pethers

     Southwick Village news Doveton Press

It was resolved to employ a clerk and pay a salary and expenses, stationery, IT needs, telephone, home office provision, inks and consumables, reference books, training.

Accounts year ending 31st March 2019

The Clerk report that the accounts were completed and the Council was invited to inspect all the relevant papers, books bank statements bank deposit books, invoices etc. which they did, to their satisfaction.

The internal audit was provided as complete, from Goodings Accs.

The Annual audit papers were presented, and all was in accordance with the requires rules. Section two of the Statement was presented for the annual return.

The Clerk was appointed the Responsible financial Officer.

The appointment was agreed for Goodings Accs. to act and be paid for as the internal auditor.

Banking Arrangements were agreed to remain with Lloyds Bank / two accounts at Trowbridge.

No request for an honorarium from the Chairman was requested. The Asset register was discussed and the Clerk is requested to update property values/insurances held by tenants held by the council on an annual basis.

The risk register would be considered by the Clerk or otherwise remain as it is.

Insurance coverage of the Councils needs was discussed and would remain as published in the Zurich Insurance Policy that is in place.

No Change in the financial Regulations were needed but would be monitored by the clerk to advise the council as necessary.

He standing orders were in place and did not need any revisions.


The Council Agreed to exercise their commitment to their office in matters relating to the legal requirements of the following topics in law. Employment, health and safety, equal opportunities in race, sexual orientations, marital status, disability, human rights, crime and disorder.

Posted on 13 Jun 2019 by geoff edwards

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