March Minutes

    The most recent Minutes are belo

The most recent minutes are below. For last year's and previous year's minutes please use the link at the foot of the page or refer to the annual collection of minutes in the collected pdf files section on the Parish Council webpage. Please note that minutes are published as DRAFT minutes and will be approved at the next meeting of the parish council. The minutes for an extraordinary meeting will also be posted to this page. Such a meeting could be held prior to an ordinary meeting or after such a meeting.

Go to last year(s)? 
printable version



Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127



Draft Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

Tuesday 19th March 2024 at 7.30 pm in the Annexe, Southwick Village Hall.


Present: Cllr Eaton (Chair), Cllr Curry, Cllr Porter, Cllr Clayton, Cllr Noble, Cllr Prickett and Cllr Jackson.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk) and one member of the public.


Public Participation

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: None.


                AGENDA ITEM


2023/128              Apologies for Absence

Cllr Snell - accepted.

Cllr Heydon due to work commitments – accepted.

Cllr Carey due to a prior commitment – accepted. 


2023/129              Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate


2023/130              Minutes of Council Meetings

  The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 20th February 2024 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Jackson, seconded Cllr Clayton).


2023/131              Wiltshire Council Report 

Cllr Prickett had no report pertinent to Southwick.  Members noted that the planning appeal in respect of land south of Trowbridge for the erection of 180 dwellings had been allowed, subject to conditions.


2023/132              Highways/Environment

Members received updates or reports on matters relating to:

a)   Parish Environment including:

a.       Update on relocation of dog bin (February minutes refer) – the Chair reported that he was liaising with the contractor to arrange for a dog bin to be installed and a bin to be moved. 


b.       Update on development of a Parish Flood Plan (February minutes refer) – the Clerk had circulated a template document. The Chair would liaise with the Flood Warden to develop a draft Plan.


c.       Update on designation of Village Hall as a Community Hub for Community Resilience (February minutes refer) – the Chair reported that he had obtained free legal advice, which had indicated there would be no issue with establishing a Community Hub comprising Village Hall, Playing Field and Sports Social Club (the Playing Field would operate under a separate charity).  The current documentation was out of date and inadequate and needed to be streamlined and modernised.  This would enable a Hub to be established and for the various groups to work together under one Committee. The blueprint for joint enterprise as proposed by the Sports and Social Club at the February meeting could therefore be achieved by the creation of the correct legal documentation.  The Chair would continue to work on this.


b) Highways including:

a.       Update on Highway matters and LHFIG - Cllr Carey had sent apologies for absence. Cllr Noble reported on some road signs in the parish which were falling over; members noted that this was likely the result of strimming damaging the posts.  It was agreed that the Chair would refer this to the Parish Steward.


2023/133              Planning Applications

PL/2024/00902 - 10 Wesley Close, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9NX - Remove flat roof area over bedroom 3 and car port, raise height of roof to match existing roofline. Internal alterations to create new dining room and WC and shower room, locate front door and porch to front of property - Support.


PL/2024/02063 - 18D School Lane, Frome Road, Southwick, Trowbridge BA14 9QF - Single Storey Rear Extension - Support.


PL/2023/10503 - Walnut Cottage, Blue Barn Farm, Lamberts Marsh, Southwick, Trowbridge. BA14 9PD - Proposed rear extension to provide additional living accommodation (amended plans) - Support.


To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).  


PL/2024/02574 - 8 Ireland, North Bradley, Trowbridge, BA14 9RW - Demolition and reconstruction of an extension to provide additional accommodation on 2 floors – deadline for response 11th April 2024 - Support.


2023/134              Finance

a)     Members noted that the bank statements had only just been received. The Clerk would prepare and issue the Bank Reconciliation Statement for February 2024 as soon as practicable.

b)    Members approved the below listed payments (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Jackson):






Clerk and HMRC

Salary, NI and PAYE February 2024

£ 633.50

Gooding Accounts

Pension set up fee

£ 60.00

Baptist Chapel

Hall hire NPSG


Master Land and Planning

Neighbourhood Plan consultancy




2023/135              Parish Council Accounts Year Ending 31st March 2024 (report previously circulated)

Members addressed the administrative tasks relating to the preparation and submission of the accounts year ending 31st March 2024 including:

a)       Appointment of the Internal Auditor – Mr Pritchard was appointed (proposed Cllr Eaton, seconded Cllr Jackson).

b)      Confirmation of scope of Internal Audit – Approved as circulated (proposed Cllr Eaton, seconded Cllr Jackson).


2023/136              Governance Reviews Year Ending 31st March 2024 (documents previously circulated)

Members carried out the reviews of governance documents for year ending 31st March 2024 including:

a)       Review of the Risk Registers – No amendments required, adopted (proposed Cllr Eaton, seconded Cllr Curry).

b)      Review of the Fixed Asset Register – Adopted; with amendments to the assets for the playing field to be provided by Cllr Noble (proposed Cllr Eaton, seconded Cllr Noble).

c)       Standing Orders and Financial Regulations – Noted Model Documents adopted in year, no further review required.

d)      Review of the Earmarked Reserves – Approved as listed (proposed Cllr Eaton, seconded Cllr Curry).


2023/137              Memorial for Local Resident

Members received updates on the planned Memorial for Mr Roy Butt (February minutes refer) and noted that the wording for the stone inscription needed to be finalised.  Members were asked to send suggestions to the Clerk for collation.


2023/138              Neighbourhood Plan Review

The Chair reported that there was no further update following the February PC meeting; the NPSG were due to next meet later in the week.  The focus would now be on putting together a shortlist for protected views in the parish.  The NP consultants would now progress to narrow down the list of preferred sites for allocation and prepare a shortlist of sustainable sites for consideration. 


2023/139              Service Level Agreement – Playing Field Committee

The Chair reported that a meeting with the PFC was still required.  Cllr Noble spoke regarding the potential purchase of a mower to enable the grass cutting to be brought in house.  The Chair expressed the view that any such purchase needed to be match funded by the PFC and that the cost should not be borne by the PC alone.  Members queried the arrangements for the in house grass cutting asking for information on the schedule of cuts (i.e. would the cricket team cut out of cricket season) and the sustainability of in house cutting should any issues arise within clubs.  It was further noted that some of the costs provided in the funding request needed to be adjusted for example, the insurance and grass cutting costs were higher than required.  It was agreed that the PFC would need to revisit the detail of the funding bid and present a business case to the PC.  Cllr Noble would liaise with the PFC to arrange this and it was confirmed that the PC would be prepared to convene an extraordinary meeting if required, given the short timescales involved.


2023/140              Village Hall Lease & Trust Deed Update

Members noted that an update on this matter had been provided under an earlier agenda item.


2023/141              Sports and Social Club

Members noted that the development of a blueprint to establish a Community Hub to comprise the Village Hall, Playing Field and S&SC (February minutes refer) had been reported under a previous agenda item.


2023/142              Domain Name and Council emails

The Clerk reported that further quotations were being sought, with the assistance of the new website provider.  Options would be listed as an agenda item for the April PC meeting.


2023/143              Southwick Village News

The Chair provided an update on the options for the production and publication of village newsletters (February minutes refer), reporting that the editor of the Steeple Ashton magazine had agreed to assist.  The Chair had arranged a meeting to discuss this further and would report back to the next meeting.


2023/144              Correspondence



2023/145              Date of next meeting

Tuesday 16th April 2024.


Members discussed the arrangements for the May meetings and agreed the following:

Annual Parish Meeting – 7.30 pm

Annual Council Meeting – 8.00 pm

Ordinary Meeting – to follow only if required.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.25 pm.

Posted on 10 Apr 2024 by geoff edwards

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