May Minutes

    The most recent Minutes are belo

The most recent minutes are below. For last year's and previous year's minutes please use the link at the foot of the page or refer to the annual collection of minutes in the collected pdf files section on the Parish Council webpage. Please note that minutes are published as DRAFT minutes and will be approved at the next meeting of the parish council. The minutes for an extraordinary meeting will also be posted to this page. Such a meeting could be held prior to an ordinary meeting or after such a meeting.

Go to last year(s)? 
printable version


Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127


DRAFT Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

Tuesday 18th May 2021 at 8.20 pm in the Village Hall.


Present: Cllr Eaton (Chair), Cllr Carey, Cllr Clayton, Cllr Curry, Cllr Heydon, Cllr Jackson, Cllr Noble, Cllr Porter, Cllr Prickett, Cllr Snell and Cllr Watson.

In attendance: N Duke (Parish Clerk) and 8 members of the public.

 Public Participation

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: None.



 2021/12   Apologies for Absence - None.

 2021/13   Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate - None.

 2021/14   Minutes of Council Meetings

 The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 27th April 2021 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Clayton).

 2021/15   Wiltshire Council Report

Cllr Prickett had no further report to give, having updated members during the Annual Parish Meeting.

 2021/16   Highways/Environment

a)                        To receive reports from Councillors on matters of concern and to decide what action, if any, to take: None.

 b)                          Highways and Traffic – to receive and reports or updates on highways matters:

a.                        Cllr Carey reported that he and Cllr Prickett had carried out a site visit to look at the proposed crossing at the junction of Brokerswood Road, tabling a proposed plan.  It was agreed that this proposal would be supported and referred to CATG together with a request to carry out improvements on the footpath running towards North Bradley from Southwick (proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr Jackson).

b.                        Cllr Curry reported that she had received reports of an overgrown hedge at 87 Chantry Gardens, which was impeding pedestrian access to the pavement.  It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the homeowner accordingly.

c.It was noted that Cllr Noble had been acting as liaison for the Parish Steward in her role as Chair of the PC.  It was agreed that Cllr Eaton would now resume this responsibility.

d.                        Cllr Carey requested that consideration of highway improvements required along the A361 (proper and alternative routes) be added to the agenda for the June PC meeting.

 c)                           A Better Southwick – members considered a report from Cllr Heydon and members were asked to submit their comments on the report to Cllr Heydon no later than Thursday 20th May so that copy could be included in the June edition of the Parish Newsletter.

 2021/17   Planning Applications, Decisions and Consultations

 PL/2021/03357 - The Lodge, Hoggington Lane, Southwick, BA14 9NR - 'Change of use and conversion of carriage house to holiday let and retention of Shepherd's Hut and converted Horse Box as glamping site (part retrospective) –  No comment.


PL/2021/03348 - Junction of Hoggington bridleway (SWCK44) with B3109 (Adjacent to Pomeroy Lodge and Cedar Tree Lodge), Wingfield, Wilts - Improvement to end of bridleway by tarmacking of access to/from the B3109 (in a national speed-limit section) in order to improve the safety of vehicle access to and from Cedar Tree Lodge and Pomeroy Lodge – Support.


To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.


Planning Decisions – None at time of issue.


2021/18   Finance

a)                           Members noted the Bank Reconciliation and Financial Position Statement as at 30th April 2021 (previously circulated).

b)                          Members approved the below listed payments (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Clayton). The Clerk reported that the invoice for the annual subscription to Wiltshire Association of Local Councils (WALC) in the amount of £827.20 had been received.  Information on the services provided by WALC would be circulated to members and the invoice was therefore deferred to the June meeting for consideration.






PAYE April 2021


Zurich Insurance

Annual PC insurance


 2021/19   Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Cllr Eaton reported that the plan was still being considered by the Independent Examiner. Cllr Noble reported on a letter she and Cllr Eaton had received from Redrow Homes and it was agreed that this would be circulated to members and added as an item of correspondence to the agenda for the June PC meeting.

 2021/20   Councillor reports 

To raise any matters not appearing elsewhere on the agenda – for information only:

 Cllr Carey - thanked Mrs Johnson for her support as Flood Warden and Mrs Johnson indicated her willingness to continue in this role, for which she was thanked.

 Cllr Curry – thanked Cllr Noble and her team for setting up the village hall in line with the covid regulations, which was much appreciated by the PC.

 2021/21   Correspondence


 2021/22 Date of next meeting

Tuesday 15th June 2021 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.00 pm.

Posted on 11 Jun 2021 by geoff edwards

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